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"rtr" Remote Control Cars
By Matt Garrett, Fri Dec 9th What could be the best possible gift for your child thisChristmas? What could be the best possible replacement of hisold car with which he does vroom-vroom all the day? Well theanswer is simple. Read more...
Nitro Powered Rc Cars - Tips For Choosing Your First Gas Rc Car
Nitro Powered RC Cars - Tips For Choosing Your First Gas RC Car RC (radio controlled) cars, especially the nitro or gas powered RC cars, are becoming increasingly popular. With speeds Read more... Sponsored Links
Remote Control Cars - Handy Do-it-yourself Tips For Rc Cars By Clive Chansa, Fri Dec 9th If you're not from an engineering background but pursue drivingremote control cars as a hobby, it's always a good idea to learnas much as possible about remote control cars. We all want somekind of help on how to keep unwanted particles from coming intothe car. A quick and simple solution to this problem would tosecure your air filter. Alternatively, you could buy du-bro bodyclip retainers and make sure that they remain clipped at alltimes and do not get loose. Sometimes your car may not work properly. Like if you turn onyour car and you find that it keeps steering to one side. Thismay happen even if you keep the wheels straight. A good remedyin this case would be to check if your car has a "steering trim"knob, wheel or button option. If there is none then may beadjusting steering servo armature length should do the trick. A lot of dirt gets accumulated under the chassis and it affectsthe screw heads. To clean the screw heads under the chassis,spray denatured alcohol on screw heads and then pick the dirtwith the help of paper clip. It is recommended to use denaturedalcohol as it seems to work better than the simple green ormotor cleaner. Compressed air also works better for cleaning NTC3 after a goodday bashing. But an old sock always does the trick to clean yourcar sparkling and shining. The soft wool or cotton wipes off thedirt like magic. But one has to be sure not leave any lose socksthread going into the car. A small painter brush always cleansunreachable areas and cleans them gently. To wipe of sticky mudunder the chassis or on the body of the car using a toothbrushto brush it off also helps. But make sure not to scratch you carpaint with a too hard brush bristles. Keeping spare starter batteries and giving a rain check on yourtx, rx, glow starts before going out with your car also helps.This is a must when If you want an alternative way out to shut down the engine incomparison to du-bro exhaust plug you can use a pencil to plugthe exhaust to shut down the engine fast. Everyone uses thecable tie trick to fasten the bec plug together so they do notget disconnected accidentally. But this does not seem practicalbecause every time you have to cut the tie and use a new one torecharge the cells. To overcome this problem, a simple solutionis to replace the cable ties with the twist tie that holds yourrx antenna. They are reusable and do the job perfectly. Drilling your tires on the outside edge in the middle, insteadof the rim, keeps the dust and other crap out of your tires.They'll stay in balance a lot longer as crud gets thrown out asyou drive. If you drill the rims, then every bit o crap willstay in your wheel. To make your own chassis, blank circuit board or an aluminumplate does a great job. Use vise grips to clamp the originalchassis to the blank material and drill all your holes bydrilling straight through the existing holes on the originalchassis. You'll get everything to mount up nice that way! If youbother that the circuit board might be too light. No fret! It ismore or less like a fiber glass board and work well as top plateon bigger cars too. To goose the runtime of remote control car the simple trick isto charge them multiple times. If you put your remote controlcar on charging and take off the plug two- three times then itmight give you a good run time because the battery gets chargedall over again. But doing it umpteen times might prove lethal tobattery life. About the author:Clive Chansa writes for the Formula One Merchandise website at and also writesarticles and product reviews for #ARTICLE_AUTHOR |